Create an account

BulkMail Create an account

Enter your details below to start creating your billing account.
Once your account is created you will be automatically logged in.

Take note: You will receive 2 emails on sign-up.

  1. The first email to confirm your billing account has been created.
  2. The second email with details and the process on how the newsletter app is completed.

Read our signup process here.

Check your spam box in case you do not receive these emails.

Company details

BulkMail user information

This form collects your name and email so that we can contact you. Check out our privacy policy for full details on how we use and protect your submitted data.

I consent to having BulkMail collect my details to contact me in regards to my query.

Important: The Free Trial Account, will be removed automatically after 90 Days. Your Billing access remains intact until you request removal.

Create Account